From the monthly archives: August 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'August 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Achilles Tank Expansion

We just added a spotlight for one of our new TANKS expansion coming out in October. The Achilles was a British variant of the American M10 tank destroyer armed with the powerful British Ordnance QF 17 pounder anti-tank gun in place of the standard 3” gun. This upgrade allowed the Achilles to face off against all but the heaviest German Panzers.

Check out the Full Achilles Spotlight here...

Jackson Tank Expansion

We just added a spotlight for one of our new TANKS expansion coming out in October. The Jackson Tank Expansion will have options to build the Jackson or the M10, two of America's most deadly tank hunters. As well as giving us two new tank cards this expansion will also include 5 brand new Crew and upgrade cards.


Check out the full Jackson Spotlight here...

Hit the Beach Print and Play PDF

This week we are pleased to announce that we are releasing the first Organised Play Kit as a downloadable print and play PDF. Players that were not able to play in the OPS or want to relive the battle can now download the Hit the Beach Mission, and the Fortification PDFs.


Check out the full article here...

September Releases for TANKS

September (and Christmas) are coming up fast, here are the new releases you can expect to see in your local store next month!

British Dice Set (6 dice) TANKS14 
German Dice Set (6 dice) TANKS20
Soviet Dice Set (6 dice) TANKS17
US Dice Set (6 dice)
TANKS Terrain Pack (OPS 1) TANKS26
Caen Game Mat (36" x 36"


OPS Kit 2 Arrives at Battlefront

I never get over the feeling of seeing something I worked so hard on made real; it is awesomely surreal each time it happens. So when Chris handed me the Normandy Month 2 OPS I opened it on the spot and immediate started playing around with it. Everything in this kit is spot on, and as always Sean did an amazing job on the graphics.


My desk may not be regulation size but it was big enough for a quick two on two battle. Sadly my British could not hold back the German attack losing all their tanks, whereas the Germans only lost their Stug. Hopefully, your tanks will fare better than mine!

Month 2 OPS Arrives at Battlefront

Month 2 OPS kits have arrived  in New Zealand and Andrew gets a chance to play around with the kit for the first time. 

Check out Andrews reactions here...

Normandy Month 2 OPS

Month two is coming, the Allies forces have landed and are making their way inland! The Axis forces are regrouping for a Counter Attack in the French countryside hoping to push the Allies back into the ocean. 

This week we talk about what you can expect from the 2nd Normandy OPS kit and how the new terrain rules will work. 

Check out the full article here...


Counter Attack! OPS Month 2

The Allies forces have landed and are making their way inland! The Axis forces are regrouping for a Counter Attack in the French countryside hoping to push the Allies back into the ocean. 
Counter Attack
This month’s mission is Counter Attack. In this mission, the attacker will set up two objectives and have six turns to secure 2 VPs. 
In this mission, the attacker has an ace up their sleeve. They can place one of their tanks into a Flanking Reserve. This tank will show up on turn three touching any table edge the attacker chooses, so the defender must be ever vigilant waiting for that reserve tank to arrive. 
During this month the Germans are always the attackers when facing British or American forces.   
Bocage Rules
Bocage works similarly to a forest. It blocks line of sight through the Bocage and can be entered by tanks, but the Bocage is more difficult to see into than forests. Tanks completely inside Bocage can only be seen by other tanks that are at least partly inside the Bocage.  Tanks with a bit of the hull sticking out of the terrain will be able shot out and be shoot at as long as you do not draw your line of sight through the Bocage. 

These are just alternative buildings to add to your set, we had room on the card so we thought we would add some bonus terrain to the set. These can be used instead of any building when setting up terrain at the start of the game.
This Month’s Prizes
This month we see our first British oversized card! The Cromwell is a fantastic tank and it looks amazing on its oversized art card.
The other participation prize this month is a set of acrylic objectives in the red colour scheme. With felt bottoms, these Objective markers will stay put easier than their cardboard variants. 
Move Out!
You now know your mission and the rewards! The cost of failure is too high, you must rally your platoon and fight with whatever you have to secure Normandy and win the day.